Description Of Gray Breasted Mountain Toucan Andigena

The Grey Breasted Mountain Toucan is a brightly coloured bird found in the Andes mountains of South America. They have black feathers on their back and wings, with a white chest and belly.

The most striking feature of this bird is its bright orange beak, which is almost as long as its body. They are also known for their loud, harsh calls.

Mountain toucans are shy birds that live in small flocks high in the treetops. They eat mostly fruit, but will also eat insects and small reptiles. These birds mate for life and build large nests made of sticks and leaves high up in the trees.

The Grey Breasted Mountain Toucan is an endangered species due to habitat loss from deforestation. However, they are still relatively common in zoos and aviaries around the world.


  • Scientific Name: Andigena hypoglauca
  • Population: Unknown
  • IUCN Status: Near Threatened
  • Trend: Decreasing
  • Habitat: Cloud forests in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru
  • Weight: 244-370 G
  • Length: 46-48 CM

Grey Breasted Mountain Toucans Habitat

Grey breasted mountain toucan habitat map

The Grey Breasted Mountain Toucan is a true toucan that is found in the highlands of Central and South America. It occurs in humid montane forests at elevations of 1,000-3,500 m.

The Grey breasted Mountain Toucan is a shy bird and is usually seen in pairs or small groups. It feeds on fruit, insects, and lizards. The nest is a hole in a tree-lined with leaves and moss. The female lays 2-3 white eggs.

The grey-breasted mountain toucan is a beautiful bird with a black body and wings, and a yellow rump. The head is large with a brilliant red bill. The tail is long and black with white tips. The legs are short and black. Males and females are similar in plumage, but the male has a larger bill.

Behaviour and Ecology

In the wild, Grey-breasted Mountain-toucans are found in humid mountain forests at elevations between 1,000 and 3,000 metres. They nest in tree cavities and lay 2-3 eggs. The chicks are born naked and blind and are cared for by both parents.

Mountain-toucans are shy birds that spend most of their time in the treetops. They are usually seen in pairs or small groups and only come to the ground to drink or bathe. Their diet consists mainly of fruit, but they will also eat insects, lizards and small birds.

The beautiful plumage of the Grey-breasted Mountain-toucan makes it a popular bird in zoos and aviaries. These birds are relatively long-lived, with a lifespan of up to 20 years in captivity.

Gray breasted mountain toucan

Diet Of The Gray Breasted Mountain Toucan

Mountain toucans mostly eat fruit but they will also eat insects, lizards, and small mammals. They usually find their food in the canopy of trees but they will also come down to the ground to forage. These birds play an important role in the ecosystem by dispersing seeds through their droppings.


The Grey-breasted Mountain-Toucan is also known for its interesting mating ritual. During the mating season, the male and female Grey-breasted Mountain-Toucans will perch on opposite sides of a tree branch.

The male will then bow his head and spread his wings in an attempt to impress the female. If the female is impressed, she will bow her head and spread her wings as well. The two birds will then touch their beaks and mate.

Gray Breasted Mountain Toucan Song & Call

The grey-breasted mountain toucan has a loud, raucous call that can be heard for miles. It also has a beautiful song that consists of three distinct notes. The first note is high and clear, the second is lower and harsher, and the third is high and sweet.

Other Species Of Mountain Toucans

Mountain toucans are one of the most beautiful and intriguing bird species in the world. They are found in the mountains of Ecuador and have long been a favorite of bird enthusiasts.

There are four different species of other mountain toucans, all of which are native to eastern Ecuador. The most common is the grey-breasted mountain toucan, which is also the largest of the four. These birds are easily recognizable by their bright plumage and large beaks.

The other three species of mountain toucans are the black-breasted, white-breasted, and red-breasted mountain toucans. All three of these species are slightly smaller than the grey-breasted mountain toucan and have less brightly colored plumage.

Gray breasted mountain toucan

Humid Highland Forest Habitat Of The Gray Breasted Mountain Toucan

This mountain-toucan is a beautiful bird found in the humid highland forest of Central and South America. These birds are brightly colored, with black upper parts and a white throat and breast. Their most distinctive feature is their long, curved beak, which they use to eat fruit, including raspberries.

Mountain-toucans are social birds, living in small flocks of up to six individuals. They build their nests in tree cavities and lay two to four eggs per clutch. Both parents help to incubate the eggs and care for the young chicks.

Mountain-toucans are not currently considered to be at risk of extinction, although their habitat is under threat from deforestation. These birds play an important role in their ecosystem by dispersing seeds through their droppings.

Conservation Status

Although it is not currently considered to be endangered, its conservation status is vulnerable due to habitat loss and fragmentation.

Habitat loss is a major threat to the mountain-toucan. The bird’s natural habitat is subtropical and montane forests, which are both under pressure from human activities such as agriculture, ranching, and logging. Fragmentation of the forest due to these activities creates isolated patches of habitat that are unsuitable for toucans.

Colorful Bill

The Grey-Breasted Mountain-Toucan is a beautiful bird with a colorful bill. The bird is an endemic species native to South America and is found in the Andes mountains. The toucan has a black body with a white chest and belly.

The bill is red, yellow, and blue. The toucan is an important part of the ecosystem in the Andes mountains. The toucan eats fruit and helps to spread seeds in the forest.


Further Reading

Grey-breasted Mountain-Toucan Andigena hypoglauca



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